In the 4th Sughd Oblast Eco-Journalism Festival 2014 our experts received two prizes at once for the articles published in the newspaper Agroinform.Tj. The first prize was awarded to Akbar Mukhamedov our agronomist-consultant on horticulture for the article “Organic fertilizers” and the third prize to Maksudjon Otabekov our agronomist-consultant on vegetable and plant protection for the article “Four necessary steps for a healthy orchard”. These achievements of our colleagues once again prove that the Neksigol Mushovir and Agroinform.Tj strive to be a leader in everything and achieves it.

Festival-competition was organized by the Executive Body of Sughd region, the Environmental Protection Agency of Sughd region, Public Organization Youth Group on Protection of the Environment (Environmental Information Orkhus centre in Sughd region, the Public Council under the Chairman of Sughd region). The festival was organized with financial support of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan. . In the festival was attended more than 25 journalists. The most applications has been presented in the “Print Media” nomination.


Remind you that the newspaper Agroinform.Tj is a Tajik monthly publication, which has been more than three years aimed at providing professional information assistance to dehkan farms and agricultural enterprises. Our newspaper is read by ordinary farmers, experts of agricultural companies, educational institutions, agronomists and rural population of our country.

On the pages of our newspaper, you will find information on the following topics:

  • news of agricultural sector
  • actual information on crop production & livestock
  • pest and disease control, treatment of livestock
  • articles about best practices in agriculture
  • articles on effective and innovative technologies positively affecting the environment
  • announcements of purchase and sale of agricultural products and agro-inputs in the Martketplace
  • information on credit resources
  • information from agro-input suppliers
  • prices for agricultural products in country markets
  • implementation process of land reform & land use rights
  • answers to readers’ questions by experts


The content of each issue of the newspaper is tailored to the needs of farmers to information in the coming months and, according to growing season of agricultural crops. Specifically, it is necessary to indicate the section “Agricultural marketplace”, which has already helped many of our readers to make trade deals, and find customers, suppliers and partners.

Today the newspaper Agroinform.Tj is published with a print run of 4,000 copies and it is distributed in Sughd and Khatlon regions.

Mahinakhon Suleymanova
Neksigol Mushovir