Inlay in agricultural newspaper “AGROINFORM.TJ” with information about your organization
In the newspaper “AGROINFORM.TJ” you can place separate inlay (sheets) with information about your organization or about your projects. For example, if you would like during the year to place series of articles on a particular subject that is important for farmers, producers, processors of agricultural products and rural population, the newspaper “AGROINFORM.TJ” can provide you with this opportunity. Inlay in the newspaper will be published monthly with edition of 2.500 copies and distributed in all jamoats of Sughd region and in Farkhor, Shurabad, Qabodiyon, Jillikul, Qumsangir, Shahrituz, Nosiri Khisrav, and Hamadoni districts of Khatlon region through our network of sales agents as well as agro-shop, agricultural consultants, district department of agriculture, rural kiosks and Sales Agents in the villages.
Cost of the inlay in A4 format (2 sides) for 1 month – 485 TJS, in A3 format (2 sides) for 1 month – 970 TJS.
Notes: Design and content of the inlays will be developed separately for each organization together with representative of the organization.
Placing information or advertisements in the newspaper “AGROINFORM.TJ”
Edition: 2.500 copies | 8 pages in А4 format | Language: Tajik. |
А4 – 335 somoni | ½ А4 – 168 somoni | ¼ А4 – 84 somoni | 1 sm2 – 84 diram |
Placing banner advertisements in the web-portal
On the Main page – 335 TJS per month | TJS per month84 TJS per month |
Sponsorship packages of “AGROINFORM.TJ”
Sponsorship packages “AGROINFORM.TJ” – it is possibility to place your advertisement in our several information products with discounts as well as to support sustainability of the information system. Your advantages as a sponsor:
- Sponsorship packages “AGROINFORM.TJ” – it is possibility to place your advertisement in our several information products with discounts as well as to support sustainability of the information system. Your advantages as a sponsor:
- High attention of community
- Close contact with the rural population
- Enhancing the image of your company
Annual Sponsorship packages
(with 20% discount)
Monthly Sponsorship packages | |
Web-portal | Newspaper | |
Sponsorship package“Premium”
5760 TJS
Placing information or advertisement inthe Main page of web-portal. Cost per month – 300 TJS |
1 page А4
Cost per month – 300 TJS
Sponsorship package “Gold”
2880 TJS
Placing information or advertisement in 5 selected pages of web-portal. Cost per month – 150 TJS
½ page А4
Cost per month – 150 TJS
Sponsorship package “Silver”
1440 TJS
Placing information or advertisement in the selected page of web-portal. Cost per month – 75 TJS |
¼ page А4
Cost per month – 75 TJS
Using sponsorship contributions: All incomes from the activities are aimed at the development and sustainability of the system, for providing quality information, oriented to the requirements and access possibilities of target groups, which leads to the positive development of agricultural business and increasing the incomes of all participants of the agricultural sector and thus, improves their living standards. Your contribution as a sponsor will be fully used to achieve this goal.